Supporting continuous learning.

Over the years we have created various resources in the form of manuals, videos, reports etc. in an effort to support skills development and learning beyond our programs. Feel free to browse, download and share.

Resiliency training program

This four-module curriculum is designed to strengthen community leadership and advocacy skills, particularly focused on supporting migrant communities. Developed through the “Strengthening Migrant Inclusion” program—a collaboration between en.v, PartnersGlobal and the Integrated Community Center—these materials are geared toward enhancing the capabilities of community leaders and organizers.

Mapping belonging toolkit

A Social Cartography Tool. This participatory research tool helps identify the emotions we associate with the places in our lives, fostering deeper understanding of identity, belonging, and social diversity. By mapping collective emotional experiences, participants gain greater empathy and social awareness. Explore our facilitation toolkit to implement Mapping Belonging in your community and drive positive, transformative change.

The Women’s Circle project toolkit

Labor rights at home. We developed this toolkit as part of a research-informed initiative to address the relationship between female employers of domestic workers and female migrant domestic workers in Kuwait through facilitated community dialogue. Ultimately, the project aims to shift employer mindsets, leading to improved relationships and increased fair treatment of workers. Use this toolkit if you’d like to effect change in your community.

Critical reflection toolkit

Healing through stories. We invite you to use this interactive reading and listening guide to promote conversations and critical reflection in your homes, classrooms, and community spaces. Our hope is that the stories shared here, part of our Neighborhood Tales project, can help pave the way towards greater understanding, empathy, and solidarity in our community. Let us learn from the past so we can be stronger in the future.

Best practices for community organizing

Designing for values. At the conclusion of the BUILD project activities in December 2021, we determined that a ‘lesson’s learned’ report from this dynamic project would be a valuable asset to others in the CSO community seeking to utilize asset-based, participatory, and ‘whole-of-society’ approaches in community organizing and project design.


Valuing lived experience. Through our AWAKEN program, we have been exploring the art of storytelling, and the role it plays in driving people together or apart. Here you can listen to some of our storytellers, and our collective reflections on the transformative power of this practice.

Introduction to Active Citizenship


Introducing new ideas and approaches. Our n-mu program included extensive trainings for youth on the topics of active citizenship, critical thinking, advocacy and media literacy, with the aim of increasing their engagement in the community. Here you will find short bilingual videos developed as an introduction to each topic.

Understanding Kuwait’s civic sector


Fostering a culture of knowledge sharing. Over the past few years, we have been engaging in in-depth research of civil society in Kuwait, recently completing two major mapping and needs assessments studies to inform future strategies.

Templates & methodologies


Spurring innovation and promoting transparency. Throughout our programs, we pilot new and innovative approaches to address community challenges. Some of them are documented here as templates and manuals that can be adapted for use.

NGO starter pack


Supporting civic sector growth. As part of our STAND program we developed and delivered a number of trainings to increase the capacity and sustainability of local non-profits. In order to extend the program’s reach, we also created these bilingual manuals and introductory videos, hoping they could be of use to other organizations across the region.

NGO directory


Facilitating networking & improving visibility. Through our work with civil society over the years, we realized that one of the major barriers to the sector's efficiency is the internal lack of coordination and collaboration. We hope that this directory, developed as part of the PACE program, will help CSOs find each other, reduce duplication of efforts, leverage each other's resources and networks, and ultimately achieve greater impact.

Social development magazine


Local perspectives on regional challenges. en.v’s quarterly publication was a way for us to gain a better understanding of social development issues across the Middle East, and was created and disseminated in collaboration with community partners, academics, artists and activists from a total of nine countries. All six issues are available here.