Civic Sector Capacity Building
Over the years, en.v has really focused on building the capacity of local civil society organizations, to accentuate their role as drivers for social change. Whether it’s through the skills gained or the networks created, our alumni continue to inspire us with their success stories.
2017 - 2019 > As part of our strategy to support civic sector growth and cross-sector collaboration, en.v has been supporting the Kuwait Projects Company (KIPCO) in the development and implementation of the annual Sharakah Workshops, which provide local CSOs with the opportunity to learn about innovative models from international leaders in the field, as well as to share knowledge and build relationships.
Regional Assistance Program
PACE - Promoting & Advocating for Civic Sector Enhancement
2016 - 2018 > The launching pad for our ongoing partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, the PACE program reflected our first efforts to address the systemic challenges faced by local CSOs, with an emphasis on increasing accountability, visibility, coordination and collaboration.
2017 - 2018 > The Manara initiative mobilized civil society organizations (CSOs) and emerging women leaders with the shared goal of enhancing gender equality through coalition building and advocacy campaigning. The initiative was developed under the umbrella of the Empowering Kuwaiti Women in Politics (EKWIP) program, in partnership with PartnersGlobal and Ibtkar Consulting.
KIPCO Sharakah Workshops
2017 - 2018 > With the purpose of enhancing cross-regional learning and civic sector development, en.v provided monitoring and evaluation support to selected grantees in Palestine and Yemen, as part of this collaborative program implemented by the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX).
STAND - Support for Training, Advocacy, Networking & Development
2012 - 2016 > The STAND program was developed as an international collaboration between en.v, PartnersGlobal and other regional partners in Yemen, Bahrain and Oman. Over the course of four years, it served as a leading incubator and facilitator of civil society development in Kuwait, providing high-quality, locally relevant training, advocacy and networking opportunities to local CSOs.
Kuwait Civil Society: Planning for Impact
2019 - Over the years, we have been working to not only build the capacity of individual CSOs, but also to address the structural challenges facing the sector as a whole. Through our collaboration with the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS), one of the most important players and donors in the field, we supported the development of a long-term strategy for sector-building which is aligned with and reflective of the needs and aspirations of our stakeholders.